Reporting from MS SQL Server versus DataSelf Analytics

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Many mid-size organizations ask us what the main differences are between reporting directly from their MS SQL Server data sources versus reporting from DataSelf Analytics.


Here’s a typical scenario in which reporting directly from MS SQL Server works great:

1. Management is satisfied with the time it takes to get new or modified reports.
2. Management is satisfied with the time it takes to refresh reports.
3. Managers don’t need to slice and dice reports by themselves.
4. Management doesn’t need access to their reports anytime and anywhere.
5. IT delivers reports quickly, easily, and inexpensively to all users.
6. Running reports doesn’t affect the performance of your source databases.
7. Reports have consistent and accurate data.
8. Low ongoing labor and license costs to maintain the reporting platform.

Many organizations don’t fit that scenario. They see benefits in reporting from DataSelf Analytics, such as these:

1. Most reports and dashboards can be built in minutes by business users – with no need for IT support.
2. Most reports run (refresh) in seconds regardless of the size of the databases.
3. Business users slice and dice their own reports – with no need for IT support.
4. Reports and dashboards can be automatically delivered to desktop, web, and mobile devices.
5. Business users consume their reports with little or no IT support.
6. DataSelf Analytics avoids performance impact on source systems. Its optimized reporting engines isolate reporting from transactions for batched and real-time reports.
7. The reporting calculations are done in a centralized, ultralight data warehouse, which guarantees “one version of the truth.” Reports will have consistent and accurate data.
8. Significant reduction in ongoing labor to maintain the reporting platform (typically 80%).
9. DataSelf Analytics comes with over 2,000 report templates, dashboards, and KPIs.
10. DataSelf’s core team has over 14 years’ experience working with mid-size companies, delivering top-notch analytics from their ERP and CRM systems.

Is it worth to transition to DataSelf Analytics?
It depends on how much you are spending with your current reporting platform, and the opportunities you might miss by not having the right information at the right time. It always boils down to ROI. Companies that have made the investment typically achieve good ROI within weeks or months.

DataSelf is so confident about its value added that we put skin in the game. We’ll give you your money back if you are not happy with the solution within 60 days.

About the Author:

DataSelf Founder and CEO. Business intelligence. Lover of active life. Caveman inspired. US & Brazil.