AR Aging and Sales Dashboards
Advanced Analytics
Interactive and insightful dashboards for every situation.
Sales Analysis
Whale Curve for Customers
Which Customers are adding or subtracting to your bottom line considering an avg invoice overhead cost? Net GP = GP – (Doc Overhead) x (Doc Count) > 0 adds to the bottom line. The Whale Curve (Net GP Accrued) is sorted descending by Net GP. Customers on the left side (black arrows up) are adding to the bottom line.
AR Aging
Natural Language Query (NLQ)
Like searching on the internet, type in keywords about your data in DataSelf and an instant and accurate report is created. This is available for each data set in DataSelf and might require additional configuration to meet your company’s needs.
Examples of searches and the report created.
Actual dashboards might be slightly different.
All dashboards above are also included with Enterprise Analytics by DataSelf.
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