
Home/Joni Girardi

About Joni Girardi

DataSelf Founder and CEO. Business intelligence. Lover of active life. Caveman inspired. US & Brazil.
Nov 19, 2013


Implus Footcare, headquartered in North Carolina, develops, markets and distributes innovative “below the ankle” footwear accessories such as insoles, performance socks, shoe laces and shoe care. Implus distributes products to over 50,000 retail stores across North America and 65 countries [...]

Nov 21, 2013

St. David’s Hydroponics

St. David's Hydroponics, based in Ontario, Canada, grows peppers and eggplants. From the day harvest begins in March until the following November, they sell in a dynamic, fast-moving marketplace. Challenge The market's prices fluctuate by the hour. Salespeople negotiate prices [...]

Nov 15, 2013

Critical metrics for distribution companies webinar

Thu, Nov 21 at 11:00 AM PT Duration: 60 minutes As a distributor, the challenges you face on a daily basis are complex and ever-evolving. For instance, how do you identify those clients and products that are having the most [...]

Nov 15, 2013

DataSelf webinar – Sage 100 (MAS 90 | MAS 200)

Thu, Nov 14 at 11:00 AM PT Duration: 60 minutes Learn about the fundamental benefits of analytics and data warehousing technologies, and what they will enable you to do beyond basic operational and financial reporting. We will discuss case studies [...]