
Oct 9, 2017

2017 DataSelf SMB Survey

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Intro The DataSelf SMB survey findings are summarized in the dashboard above. The findings come from the DataSelf client base (license investment, number of users, and DataSelf labor). Client’s labor and IT infrastructure come from client responses to our inquires. Total [...]

Sep 15, 2017

The SMB Analytics Wire – Sep 2017

 September 2017 DataSelf Events Come visit us!   If you plan to attend the following events, please come see us. We can't wait to show you the new features of DataSelf v10.3. Tableau Conference 2017 in Las Vegas October 9-12, 2017 Booth #333a [...]

Sep 2, 2017

Inside the Mind Of… Joni Girardi

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Article copied from B2B News Network: Joni Girardi is founder and CEO of DataSelf, provider of DataSelf Analytics.  He and his team have been deploying Business Intelligence (BI) in the mid-market for more than 17 years, helping hundreds of organizations. He launched [...]

Jul 21, 2017

DataSelf Analytics 10.3

The new DataSelf Analytics interface – powered by Tableau 10.3 – lets business people stay in the flow with their data. Users work smarter and faster than ever. Ask your questions, get your answers, and discover questions you didn’t even [...]