
Jul 31, 2014

Drawing of 5th winner tickets to Race a Ferrari!

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Lucky winners of 5th ticket to race a Ferrari sponsored by DataSelf Analytics. Michael Ericksen, from WAC Have a great ride, Michael! 5 Winning tickets: Reseller: #535 Silver Creek Customer: #630 Phoenix AMD Customer: #634 ATRO Engineered Systems Customer: #608 Net@Work 5th [...]

Jul 16, 2014

Drawing of 4 winning tickets to Race a Ferrari!

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Lucky winners of 4 tickets to race a Ferrari sponsored by DataSelf Anaytics. Winning tickets: Reseller: #535 Silver Creek Customer: #630 Phoenix AMD Customer: #634 ATRO Engineered Systems Customer: #608 Net@Work Keep engaging with our social media to win more tickets since [...]

Jul 15, 2014

BI Panel at Sage Summit 2014

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Navigating the BI market for Sage products -- Tips from a panel of experts -- How do you make sense of the BI options in the Sage market? There are so many products, and so many claims, and so many [...]

Mar 26, 2014

Gartner Magic Quadrant for BI validates DataSelf’s Vision for SMBs

DataSelf was founded with the vision the vision of simplifying and amplifying best-of-breed BI technology for mid-size companies. The latest Gartner Magic Quadrant for BI further validates that vision. The DataSelf solution includes technology from two leading upper market BI providers: [...]

Mar 19, 2014

How to Interpret a DSA Dashboard

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You get all excited to take your new DataSelf Analytics (DSA) for a spin; you open a nice-looking dashboard on your tablet, but… “I can’t figure out what I'm looking at!” Using DataSelf Analytics is very much like driving a [...]