DataSelf Analytics for Distribution Companies
These templates have a wide range of configuration possibilities to adapt to unique business needs. Actual templates might vary. Some might require additional configuration not included in SOWs unless specifically described.
Click here to learn more and download the list of reports and dashboards.
Distribution: Sales, Sales Order, Inventory, and Purchasing
There are 5,000+ templates offering a wide range of configuration possibilities to adapt to unique business needs. Actual templates might vary. Some might require additional configuration not included in SOWs unless specifically described.
Salesperson Dashboards
Sales Projection and What-If Scenarios
When working with high volume data such as for sales or inventory projection, DataSelf can leverage tools such as MS SQL Server, Tableau, Power BI and R to allow companies to tackle complex statistical algorithms for forecasting.
Inventory Planning
These templates have a wide range of configuration possibilities to adapt to unique business needs. Actual templates might vary. Some might require additional configuration not included in the SOW.
CRM: Contact, Opportunity, and Tech Support
There are 1,000+ templates offering a wide range of configuration possibilities to adapt to unique business needs. Actual templates might vary. Some might require additional configuration not included in SOWs unless specifically described.
Marketing Campaigns with User Traction
Google Analytics and E-Commerce
These templates have a wide range of configuration possibilities to adapt to unique business needs. Actual templates might vary. Some might require additional configuration not included in the SOW.
Core Financials: AP, AR, and GL
There are 1,000+ templates offering a wide range of configuration possibilities to adapt to unique business needs. Actual templates might vary. Some might require additional configuration not included in SOWs unless specifically described.
360-View Dashboards
Single-Page Analytics
Provides extensive ways to slice and dice financials on a single page. Users can easily select periods, measures (such as budget and variances), and drill down all the way to GL Batch information—everything on a single page.
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Multi-Company Environment
DataSelf provides comprehensive ways to consolidate data from multi-company systems. The data is normalized and consolidated in the DataSelf data warehouse, and then it becomes easy and fast to report from single companies, groups of companies, or across all of them. The example below shows 3 business units and the consolidated total.

Multi-Currency Consolidation
DataSelf provides comprehensive ways to consolidate multi-currency systems. The data is normalized and consolidated in the DataSelf data warehouse, and then it becomes easy and fast to report on single or multiple currencies. The example below shows the financials from 3 business units working with different currencies, how they relate to the consolidated currency USD, and the total.

DataSelf can combine actuals data with budgets coming from your source system, Excel files, or directly from user input. Setting up Budgeting and Forecasting requires an understanding of the client’s specific needs and might require additional configuration not included in SOWs unless specifically described.

You can find a more complete, full list of DataSelf templates at
Contact our Distribution BI Experts!
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