St. David’s Hydroponics

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St. David’s Hydroponics, based in Ontario, Canada, grows peppers and eggplants. From the day harvest begins in March until the following November, they sell in a dynamic, fast-moving marketplace.

The market’s prices fluctuate by the hour. Salespeople negotiate prices on the fly based on each product’s size, color and type, sales volumes, and prices at the moment versus prices from corresponding points in the past year. Salespeople need instant data to play the game well — and they need it sliced just so.
With DataSelf BI, St. David’s salespeople have the data they need — at the moment they need it — as they talk to buyers. They can compare prices, volumes and attributes to help set prices fairly and accurately. That raises customer satisfaction and boosts sales.

With DataSelf’s multi-currency integration, they can also deal with international buyers, setting a fair price in their own currency.

“DataSelf has simplified our reporting,” said controller Carolyn Payette. She now easily runs detailed reports for sales people and overview reports for senior management. “It speeds up decisions. It is easier to stay informed.”

About the Author:

DataSelf Founder and CEO. Business intelligence. Lover of active life. Caveman inspired. US & Brazil.